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The following is my gallery of copyrighted fine photographic art by Leann Collins Austin
Texas. Many of these works are available on canvas or large format wall art up to 30
inches by 40 inches. Some art is available in 60 inch formats. All of my
work are protected under the copyright law. Even though my work is displayed on the web -
I vigorously protect my copyrights. I will sue in federal court to protect my copyrights.
None of my works are or have been in the public domain. By placing these works
(photographs & images) on this website I do not intend to grant any implied license to
anyone viewing these photos to use my work for any purpose and I do not waive any rights to
seek reasonable compensation, statutory fines, and attorneys fees for the use of my works,
photographs, or digital images I specifically DO NOT give any implied license for
anyone to use my works without payment. I specifically forbid search engines from
displaying icons, thumbnails, samples, and or full size versions of my work.
Any use of my work, on a search engine, website or as part of a derivative work requires
payment of a license fee. My minimum license fee for a thumbnail sized work is $1,000.00
and my minimum license fee for any larger display (greater than one inch by one inch) is $2,500.00.
If you use both a thumbnail and larger size work (click through), the minimum charge is
$4,000.00. This
is for one time use. For websites with paid memberships in excess of 1000 members or
that have over 100,000 hits per month these license fees are increased by 75%.
Framing my image on your website or search engine, caching my image on your server for any fraction
of a second, showing an icon that clicks through to my website is all considered displaying and
subject to my minimum license fee. There is no pro-rata use based upon the number of days,
hours, minutes, seconds or parts of seconds my image is visible on any website or search
engine. We do have license agreements for periods up to 1 year, and you will need to
contact us to discuss the surcharge. I have the right to approve any use of my images
on any website displaying my works. My photographic work cannot be displayed on any
website showing obscene or objectionable material, if my works are found on a website featuring
objectionable material, there is a 100% of the base license fee charge, in addition to the base
license, and applicable surcharges, for defamation of my work. If you use my works on
a website or search engine that has any adult, obscene, or objectionable material you agree that
such defamation has occurred. The use of my name as part of the display of an
image is infringing on my personal mark separate an apart from use of my photographic work.
My URL is also my personal mark, trade dressing, and common law trademark, and
I charge $500.00 for each use of my name or URL either on the face of an image and/or file name,
or linking to my website. Each unapproved use of my file name or personal mark is a separate
$500.00 charge, no matter how many times it appears on your website, search engine or publication
(digital or otherwise). Display of my work, personal mark, name or URL requires WRITTEN
PERMISSION, no exceptions. If you do not have a written license from me with my original
signature in addition to a copy of a bank cancelled cashiers check for payment of my license fee
then you are simply not entitled to display my work for ANY reason, including search engines,
newsgroups, websites, not for profit display, or any other display - period. This website
is primarily for personal viewing by individuals wishing to purchase or license my work to decorate
their homes or offices with original photographic art, or by individuals wishing to display my work
in galleries. My work is exclusive. The value of
my work is diminished by display on any search engine, photographic archive, newsgroup or
otherwise. This is why I vigorously enforce my copyrights. I DO NOT send out cease and desist
warnings. In my experience no one on the internet respects copyrights, and no one will quit infringing
unless they are sued so I will not waste the time sending written warnings. The unlicensed use of my
work will result in you being sued. For those purchasing my work please rest assured that I will do the
utmost to protect your investment in my works through defending my copyrights.